Sécurité alimentaire et des revenus

UGEAFI to build the refugees hope away from home.

UGEAFI to build the refugees hope away from home.

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honor refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution.

Let us take a moment to consider this year’s theme of “Hope Away from Home” which highlights the resilience and challenges faced by refugees who lost everything.

In line with this theme, UGEAFI has been working since 2021 with Burundian refugees of Lusenda and Mulongwe camps to help them build their hope. Notice that in these camps, refugees hardly find one meal per day. Each one relies on 6 USD given by World Food Program each month to survive.

Within 3 years, UGEAFI facilitated 1500 persons to have sufficient and balanced food and income by enabling them to have access to arable lands and agricultural inputs (vegetable seeds, hoes and watering cans). Moreover,1500 refugees were empowered economically through income generating activities ‘trainings and the donation of 100 USD as a startup capital to each one.

Besides that, refugees were helped to recover their well-being by providing clean water to more than 7000 of them and 6000 hygienic kits to women and girls of child bearing age. In addition, refugees are continually to live peacefully with their host communities. To do so, 50 social economic structures called VSLA (Village Saving and Loans Associations) that facilitate them to be united and work towards their common development were constituted.