


In South Sudan, UGEAFI launched its intervention with a focus on the WASH sector. UGEAFI is currently implementing a programme that aims to avail wash services to communities in Pyanjiar county, Unity State through integrated programming that works: a) in strong collaboration with local health actors to ensure that WASH programming impacts health outcomes; and                                   b) to deliver a combination of interventions that targets access, quality and sustainability of water services.

As part of the project entitled: “WASH services availability to Panyijiar communities”, UGEAFI invites applications from consultants or businesses to carry out a study that aims at building up a formal strategic framework for WASH response in Unity state alongside addressing the clean water needs of communities.

UGEAFI is commissioning a study that specifically aims at:

  • Mapping all the stakeholders involved in the provision of WASH services and their roles, capacities, track record of service delivery, and relevance (i.e. county/Payam structures, mechanics, merchants of spare parts, government schemes, community committees, etc.);
  • Understanding the technology used (i.e. the hand pump types, suitability, supply chain for spare parts, relevance to the local geological and water conditions, and whether the choice of solution is driven by market factors or suitability)
  • Analysing the role of Payams, their capacity to support, and areas that they themselves need capacity support with;
  • Understanding the capacity of private sector service providers (i.e. mechanics) serving the local market (what their training is, when they last had training, what technologies they have been trained on, tools that they have available, their business model / costs, etc.);
  • Analysing the market for spare parts and how the supply chain into Nyal is structured, where potential blockages are (i.e. logistics during flooding), who the primary wholesalers and merchants are, how pricing is set, what technology is supplied and what drivers are influencing product availability;
  • Quantifying the financial resources required for operational cost recovery of different existing and potential systems available in the targeted Payams and understanding variations across time and/or geography.
  • Quantifying the financial costs associated with capital maintenance of existing and planned infrastructure and understanding variations across time and/or geography;
  • Examining the capacity and potential for cost recovery with an economic model based on market and household income data,

Interested candidates are expected to submit their technical and financial proposals designed to meet the following aspects:

  • Statement of interest covering expertise and experience relevant to this planned study;
  • CVs of the core consultancy team’s members;
  • Max.3 page concept note outlining a suggested approach to this study.
  • Budget detailing Perdiem, accommodation and travel costs, and length of time anticipated across the cycle of the study (scoping, outreach & preparation, research – on-site in Panyijiar County and in Juba -, report development, etc.).

Applications will be reviewed from the 25 OCT 2023. Candidates should expect to undertake a number of interviews with UGEAFI and its funder[s] and partners in person in Juba and/or virtually.

Any applications that are received after the 25 OCT 2023 will be reviewed on a rolling basis on the basis of need. UGEAFI commits to providing all applicants with a reply stating its intent within 2 weeks of submission.

If you are Interested, click Here download documents with all details:  UGEAFI_Call for expression of interest_WASH STUDY_Final  and TOR_UGEAFI_NYAL WASH STUDY_Final